The Government has restated its commitment to delivering pensions dashboards in a written statement.

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Consultation on dashboards standards to launch on 19 July

The Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) has today announced that the consultation on dashboards standards will launch on 19 July and run for 6 weeks.

The purpose of the standards is to ensure the security, stability, and effective operation of dashboards. They set out the technical and operational detail underpinning the primary and secondary legislation and outline the requirements for all pension providers and dashboards connecting to the ecosystem.

At the same time as the consultation, PDP will also run a call for input on the design standards, which will set out requirements for presentation of the pensions data on dashboards and design of the dashboards, including; messaging, signposting, onward customer journeys. A further consultation will take place on the design standards in the autumn.

PDP will host three webinars during the consultation timeframe to support respondents. Register for the webinars:

  • Introduction to standards and the consultation – Thursday 21 July
  • Connecting to the pensions dashboards ecosystem – Monday 25 July
  • Operating within the pensions dashboards ecosystem – Tuesday 26 July

Chris Curry, Principal for the PDP, said:

“These standards provide crucial detail to help industry prepare to connect to the dashboards ecosystem. Alongside the standards we will also be publishing supporting guidance and best practise, including data usage examples, to provide further clarity.

We are running this consultation exercise to ensure that colleagues across the sector can share their views on our proposed content and to identify any further industry needs.”

The Pension Schemes Act 2021 delegates authority to the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) to set standards. They will be mandatory requirements for qualifying pensions dashboards and pension providers and detail how operationally, technically or in practice ecosystem participants must meet the duties set out in the regulations.

Uniform mandatory requirements on all pensions dashboards ecosystem participants are necessary to ensure the ecosystem functions effectively and efficiently, and to ensure the interests of consumers are put first.

PDP will publish its consultation response and final standards documents in the winter.

Logo icon representing the Pensions Dashboards Programme
Pensions Dashboards Programme

Published: 15 July 2022

Last updated: 06 December 2022

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