The Government has restated its commitment to delivering pensions dashboards in a written statement.

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View data model

This model supplements the data standards, giving an overview of the structure of the view JSON schema. It explains how view data payloads are structured within the JSON schema into pension arrangements and how data (for benefit illustrations in particular) are to be returned within an arrangement.

Pension arrangement

This is returned as an array. It is possible to return more than one pension arrangement for a view response against a single pension identifier registered.

Most returns will have one pension arrangement. However, multiple arrangements can be returned when there is split administration of pension benefits. Each pension arrangement provided has its own ‘administrator details’ object. This enables a pension provider or scheme to return separate arrangement objects for different parts of a single benefit, each with different administrator names and contact details.

A pension arrangement is returned either as a ‘definite match made arrangement’ or a ‘possible match arrangement’. Definite match made arrangement is a complete view response by the provider or scheme.

Match status (possible or definite) applies to the pension identifier registered, and against which any view data payloads are returned. Where an array of multiple arrangements are returned in a view response, these will be for definite matches only and should never contain a mix of definite and possible match arrangements.

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Possible match pension arrangement

A possible match arrangement is a limited view response and only contains:

  • a ‘true’ possible match response (item 2.001)
  • provider/scheme name (item 2.007)
  • if applicable, additional pension provider/scheme name (item 2.008) and type (2.009)
  • possible match case reference (item 2.002)
  • at least one administrator contact method (items 2.102 to 2.117)
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Definite match pension arrangement

A ‘definite match made pension arrangement’ includes the following:

Pension details:

The required fields are:

  • ‘False’ possible match response (item 2.001)
  • provider/scheme name (item 2.007)

Administrator details

Each set of administrator details must contain:

  • administrator name (item 2.101)
  • at least one administrator contact method (items 2.102 to 2.117)

Benefit illustrations (ERI and accrued)

This is returned as an array. Multiple illustrations can be used for a single pension arrangement.

Each benefit illustration should have only 2 components (one ERI and one accrued) – unless the illustration is for a public service scheme where the McCloud Remedy applies.

A value data illustration date is provided for each benefit illustration, and applies to both its ERI and accrued components.

The data standards allow for up to 10 ERI and 10 Accrued illustrations to be provided.

Each benefit illustration must include:

  • Illustration type either:
    • ERI
    • accrued
  • Value data illustration date (item 2.501).
  • A ‘payable details’ object including the following:
    • Where ‘payable details’ is set to ‘recurring income’, ‘amount type’ may be ‘INC’, ‘INCL’, or ‘INCN’; ‘last payment date’ as well as ‘payable date’ are available; as is ‘increasing’.  
    • Where ‘payable details’ is ‘lump sum details’, ‘amount type’ can be ‘CSH’, ‘CSHL’, or ‘CSHN’, and neither ‘last payment date’ nor ‘increasing’ are available. 
    • Where ‘amount not provided details’ is used, only ‘reason’ [the illustration amounting to less than £120 per annum), ‘amount type’, ‘payable date’ and ‘last payment date’ are available. 
  • Up to 4 ERI/accrued warnings per illustration, returned as an array.

Additional data (signposts)

This is returned as an array and can contain multiple URLs.

Each URL returned contains a ‘type’ identifying whether it relates to costs and charges, the statement of investment principles, implementation statement or annual report, or additional State Pension information.

Diagram description

Top node: Pension arrangement (Array: possible to return more than one pension arrangement for a view) – links to 2 nodes:

  1. Possible match arrangement or
  2. Definite match made arrangement – links to 5 nodes:
    1. Pension details
    2. Administrator details
    3. Employment details (Array)
    4. Additional data (Array)
    5. Benefit illustrations (up to 10 ERI and 10 accrued illustrations) – links to 3 nodes:
      1. ERI component – links to 3 nodes:
        1. ERI benefit details
        2. ERI warnings (Array (max 4))
        3. Payable details - links to 3 nodes:
          1. Recurring income
          2. Lump sum
          3. Amount not provided (under £120 per year)
      2. Accured component – links to 3 nodes:
        1. Accrued benefit details
        2. Accrued warnings (Array (max 4))
        3. Payable details – links to 3 nodes:
          1. Recurring income
          2. Lump sum
          3. Amount not provided (under £120 per year)
      3. Illustration date
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Last updated:26/11/2024

26 November 2024

  • In "Possible match pension arrangement": Added "type (2.009)" to the contents of the view response, if applicable.
  • Model diagram and description: Clarified that "Benefit illustrations" allow up to "10 accrued illustrations".
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