The Government has restated its commitment to delivering pensions dashboards in a written statement.

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Reporting standards

The reporting standards set out requirements on pension providers and schemes for generating and recording operational information and reporting it to MaPS, to support oversight and management of the dashboards ecosystem and regulators' functions in respect of compliance monitoring and enforcement.

Draft version 1.2

All PDP standards are published as ‘draft’ until approved by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. Find out more about PDP’s approach to standards governance.

PDP recommends providers and schemes align with the current version whilst preparing for connection. This version was developed following industry consultation and review by PDP volunteer participants.

PDP may make further changes before seeking formal approval. Only necessary changes will be considered and we will work with industry to understand potential impacts.


Refer to the changelog for updates since the last publication.

Corrections log (errata)

Refer to the corrections log (errata) for known issues and corrections for the current version. These corrections will be included in future versions.

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1. Pensions dashboards are apps, websites or other tools which help individuals view information about their multiple pensions in one secure place online, at a time of their choosing. They bring together information on all a user’s (in-scope) pensions, including their State Pension as well as any occupational and personal pensions. This supports individuals’ engagement with their pensions and their planning for retirement.

2. The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) set up the Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) in 2019 to design and build the central digital architecture (CDA) and services that make pensions dashboards possible. PDP is also responsible for the supporting governance framework, service design and operating model for the pensions dashboards ecosystem.

3. The pensions dashboards ecosystem enables millions of individuals to connect with their pensions information through multiple pensions dashboards across thousands of pension providers and schemes. Find out more about the pensions dashboards ecosystem and its components.

4. MaPS is also responsible for operating its own non-commercial pensions dashboard as a public service.


5. These reporting standards are issued by MaPS under delegated powers given by the Pensions Dashboards Regulations 2022 and the Pensions Dashboards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023 (referred to hereafter as ‘Regulations’) and the Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (hereafter ‘Rules’).

6. The reporting standards set out requirements on pension providers and schemes for generating and recording operational information and (later) reporting it to MaPS on a regular basis. The information will support the oversight and management of the dashboards ecosystem and compliance monitoring and enforcement.


7. These standards apply legally to the trustees or scheme managers of occupational pension schemes (pension schemes) and the managers of stakeholder and personal pension schemes (pension providers) connected to, or required to connect to, the pensions dashboards ecosystem. This version does not include any standards that apply to dashboard providers. The standards for dashboard providers will be published separately.

8. Information provided in accordance with these standards must be provided at the level of an occupational pension scheme (identified by a Pension Scheme Registry (PSR) number) or personal pension provider (identified by a Firm Reference Number (FRN)). Regardless of which party is sending the data, a single connected party may send reporting data for multiple providers or schemes that are connected by means of that connecting party. Each report must include the relevant holdername GUID (the unique identifier provided by the pension provider or scheme during connection, see technical standards) for the pension provider or scheme to whom the data relates, identifying a regulated entity and the endpoint serving data for it.

Note: An endpoint is the specific location within an API that accepts requests and sends back responses allowing the system components to communicate with each other.

9. The pension provider or scheme is responsible for compliance with the standards, even if implementation is delegated to a third party. It is therefore important for pension providers and schemes to understand the standards whether they are connecting directly to the ecosystem, or connecting using a third-party supplier such as a third-party administrator or software provider (integrated service providers, or ISPs). In the latter case, the third parties will apply the standards by sending the data to MaPS on behalf of their client pension providers and schemes. A pension provider or scheme connecting via an already connected third party will use the third party’s processes to meet these standards. When referring to pension providers and schemes, this includes any of these third parties.

10. Where a provider or scheme has split administration (for example, a main scheme and a separate AVC provider), and is connecting to the dashboards ecosystem via multiple connections to the ecosystem, reporting for that pension provider/scheme in accordance with these reporting standards must be via each connecting party that is connected and supplying data on behalf of the scheme. Each connecting party must provide data against all of the requirements in the reporting standards for the part of the scheme’s connection that connecting party represents.


11. These standards apply to all United Kingdom pension providers subject to the dashboard duties in the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA Rules) for pension providers, and all United Kingdom schemes subject to the dashboard duties in the Regulations.

Other standards

12. These standards should be read in conjunction with the other PDP standards (technical standards, data standards and code of connection).


13. Standards are mandatory requirements and, therefore, compliance by pension providers and schemes is compulsory.  


14. This is version 1.2 of the draft reporting standards. Refer to the changelog for updates since the last publication.


15. These standards cover requirements in relation to retaining records and (later) reporting data about:

  1. Coverage
  2. Service availability
  3. View responses

16. From April 2025, when pension providers and schemes start connecting in line with the ‘connect by' dates in guidance, the reporting standards require only the generation and keeping of records to be made available to MaPS or regulators upon request, not the routine reporting of this data to MaPS.

17. At a later date (to be confirmed, but not expected to be before October 2025), and with sufficient advance notice, these standards will take effect as requirements for routine reporting of this data to MaPS. Open API specifications and JSON schemas for this will be published at a later date.

18. Pension providers and schemes should note that the data to be sent to MaPS in accordance with these reporting standards will not be the only source of information about compliance. During the period that routine reporting of this information to MaPS is not implemented, regulators will still have access to other data relating to providers’ and schemes’ compliance. MaPS obtains this information directly through the connection service and management of the central digital architecture as well as the MoneyHelper dashboard.

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1. Coverage

RS.1.1 Relevant memberships connected

  • Applies to: Pension providers and schemes, where, once connected, less than 100% of relevant membership records per provider or scheme (at holdername GUID level) are initially connected.
  • Requirement: Must record:

a. The total number of connections (ISPs, or combination of ISPs and direct connection) used by the pension provider or scheme to connect to the dashboards ecosystem.

b. The number of relevant member records that are connected for find and view through the connecting organisation sending the data (where ‘connected’ means all records for these members are available).

c. The number of relevant member records that are not connected.

Points a to c must be recorded up until the connection of 100% of relevant membership records per provider or scheme (at holdername GUID level), at which point this requirement ceases to apply, or until 1 November 2026, whichever is first.

If a connection is via a third-party supplier rather than direct, the pension provider or scheme may need to provide data on relevant memberships to its supplier, so that the supplier can report on its behalf.

Where a provider or scheme acquires a new book of business before 1 November 2026 which then reduces connected records to less than 100%, the memberships connected/not connected monthly report requirement is reactivated until 100% is reached again.

  • Frequency: Reported between midnight and 06:00am on the second working day of each month, for the total number of memberships connected and not connected as at the previous month end. Applies once the regular reporting requirement is implemented.
  • Rationale:
    • Ecosystem management: MaPS needs to know membership coverage. It will be essential to MaPS and regulators’ advice to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on the determination of the dashboards available point.
    • Compliance: Legislation will require all membership records to be available, though it is anticipated that, initially, some pension providers and schemes will connect with less than 100% coverage. In these cases, data is needed on what proportion of memberships are available over time, until 100% is reached. This should be reported to the regulators, as per regulatory requirements. From 1 November 2026, there is no requirement to report this to MaPS, but it must be reported to the appropriate regulator. See FCA’s modification by consent and TPR breach of law reporting requirements.
    • API: Coverage API.

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2. Service availability

RS2.1 Find unavailability

  • Applies to: Pension providers and schemes (holdername GUIDs), regardless of connection arrangements which could be third-party or direct, or number of regulated entities serviced by a single find endpoint.
  • Requirement: Must report, per pension provider or scheme, per calendar month:

a. Start and end date and time of each instance of scheduled find service unavailability.

b. Start and end date and time of each instance of unscheduled find service unavailability.

c. Reason for each instance of unavailability.

  • Assess this by aggregating the unavailability of:
    • the provider or scheme
    • the find endpoint, if different
    • any relevant intermediaries, if there are any
  • Frequency: Daily between midnight and 06:00am for the previous day, once the regular reporting requirement is implemented.
  • Rationale:
    • Compliance: In accordance with legislation, pension providers and schemes are expected to remain connected at all times. The code of connection requires 99.5% service availability per calendar month (CoCo2.1.5), service restoration within 2 hours in the case of endpoint outage (CoCo2.1.4), and 5 days’ notice for scheduled service unavailability (CoCo2.2.1).
  • API: Pension provider or scheme availability API.

RS2.2 View unavailability

  • Applies to: Pension providers and schemes (holdername GUIDs), regardless of connection arrangements, which could be third-party or direct, or number of regulated entities serviced by a single view endpoint.
  • Requirement: Must report, per pension provider or scheme, per calendar month:

a. Start and end date and time of each instance of scheduled view service unavailability.

b. Start and end date and time of each instance of unscheduled view service unavailability.

c. Reason for each instance of unavailability.

  • Assess this by aggregating the unavailability of:
    • the provider or scheme
    • the find endpoint, if different
    • any relevant intermediaries, if there are any
  • Frequency: Daily between midnight and 06:00am for the previous day, once the regular reporting requirement is implemented.
  • Rationale:
    • Compliance: In accordance with legislation, pension providers and schemes are expected to remain connected at all times. The code of connection requires 99.5% service availability per calendar month (CoCo2.1.5).
  • API: Pension provider/scheme availability API.

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3. View responses

RS3.1 View request numbers and response times

  • Applies to: Pension providers and schemes.
  • Requirement: Must report per pension provider or scheme:

a. Number of view requests received.

b. For each view response that exceeds 10 seconds, the date and time of both the view request and the view response returned.

  • Frequency: Daily between midnight and 06:00am for the previous day, once the regular reporting requirement is implemented.
  • Rationale:
    • Compliance: The code of connection CoCo2.1.3 requires 99.9% of view responses to be sent within 10 seconds of receipt of the view request measured over a 24-hour period (CoCo2.1.3).
  • API: View response API.

RS3.2 Values to be calculated and calculation times

  • Applies to: Pension providers and schemes.
  • Requirement: Must report per pension provider or scheme, each instance where at least one ERI value or accrued value is not available for immediate return, reporting after the event, once the calculation has been performed and made available. For each instance of the data not being initially available for immediate return but rather requiring calculation:

a. Whether all the benefits for which calculations are required are defined contribution (DC), or not, by reporting the unavailable code returned as per the data standards (codes ‘DBC’/’DCC’ for data standards 2.301/2.401).

b. The calculation time (time taken for the data to be available for return).

There are two separate points when the clock starts for the time taken for the data to be made available. Providers and schemes will need to differentiate these to report calculation time:

  1. For the first calculations required following registration of the pension identifier, calculation time is measured from the day after the registration of the pension identifier as a match made.
  2. For subsequent calculations required, calculation time is measured from the day after the receipt of the view request.
  • Frequency: Daily between midnight and 06:00am for the previous day, once the regular reporting requirement is implemented.
  • Rationale:
    • Compliance: The legislation (Regulation 26(5)(b)(i) and (ii); COBS 19.11.29) requires that where view data is not available for immediate return and must be calculated, calculations must be available within 3/10 working days, from the day after the day the pension identifier is registered as a match made (or reregistered as a match made, having previously been registered as a possible match). CoCo2.1.3 specifies where a subsequent view request is received and a new calculation is required, calculations must be made in the same timeframe, starting from the day after the receipt of the view request, rather than the day after the registration of the pension identifier.
  • API: Value data unavailable API.

RS3.3 Values unavailable

  • Applies to: Pension providers and schemes.
  • Requirement: Must report per pension provider or scheme the total number of returns in view data responses of each of the data standards codes below:

a. Item 2.004 (contact pension provider or scheme) is populated ‘true’.

b. Item 2.005 (administrative details not available, new member case) is populated ‘true’.

c. Item 2.006 (temporary system error) is populated 'true'.

d. Item 2.301 (ERI unavailable)/2.401 (accrued unavailable) is returned as code ‘ANO’.

e. Item 2.301 (ERI unavailable)/2.401 (accrued unavailable) is returned as code ‘PPF’.

f. Item 2.301 (ERI unavailable)/2.401 (accrued unavailable) is returned as code ‘TRN’.

  • Frequency: Daily between midnight and 06:00am for the previous day, once the regular reporting requirement is implemented.
  • Rationale:
    • Compliance: These codes define circumstances where values are not returned.
  • API: Value data unavailable API.

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Technical annex

The technical annex provides pension providers and schemes with visibility of the data format and values required for each reporting standard. This will enable providers and schemes to store necessary data to support compliance ahead of reporting schemas and APIs specifications becoming available.

Coverage – RS.1.1 Relevant memberships connected

Field name: holdername_conn_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report the total number of connections (ISPs, or combination of ISPs and direct connection) used by the pension provider or scheme to connect to the dashboards ecosystem. As PDP connects at holdername level, the field is named holdername_conn_count.

Field name: member_count_total

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report total number of relevant member count, held by the provider or scheme.

Field name: member_count_pass

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report the number of relevant member records that are connected for find and view through the connecting organisation sending the data.

Field name: member_count_fail

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report the number of relevant member records that are not connected.

Service availability – RS.2.1 Find unavailability

Field name: start_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme, per calendar month the start date and time of each instance of find service unavailability.

Field name: end_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme, per calendar month the end date and time of each instance of find service unavailability.

Field name: unavail_schedule

Data type: Boolean (‘true’ or ‘false’).

Mandatory: Yes.


  • False: Unplanned unavailability.
  • True: Planned unavailability.

Field name: unavail_reason

Data type: Free text.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report reason for unavailability.

Service availability – RS.2.2 View unavailability

Field name: start_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme, per calendar month the start date and time of each instance of view service unavailability.

Field name: end_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme, per calendar month the end date and time of each instance of view service unavailability.

Field name: unavail_schedule

Data type: Boolean (‘true’ or ‘false’).

Mandatory: Yes.


  • False: Unplanned unavailability.
  • True: Planned unavailability.

Field name: unavail_reason

Data type: Free text.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report reason for unavailability.

View response – RS.3.1 View request numbers and response times

Field name: req_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme the number of view requests received.

Field name: req_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme for each view response that exceeds 10 seconds, the date and time of the view request.

Field name: resp_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme for each view response that exceeds 10 seconds, the date and time of the view request.

Field name: resp_status

Data type: Boolean (‘true’ or ‘false’).

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Status of the view response:

  • False: No view response was returned.
  • True: View response was returned.

View response – RS.3.2 Values to be calculated and calculation times

Field name: eri_value_code

Data type: Enumerated list.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme, each instance where at least one ERI value or accrued value is not available for immediate return, reporting after the event, once the calculation has been performed and made available. For each instance of the data not being initially available for immediate return but rather requiring calculation:

  1. Whether all the benefits for which calculations are required are defined contribution (DC), or not, by reporting the unavailable code returned as per the data standards (codes ‘DBC’/’DCC’ for data standards 2.301/2.401).
  2. The calculation time (time taken for the data to be available for return).

Field name: eri_start_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Start date/time for the calculation countdown clock.

Field name: eri_end_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: End date/time for the calculation countdown clock.

Field name: accrued_value_code

Data type: Enumerated list

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme, each instance where at least one ERI value or accrued value is not available for immediate return, reporting after the event, once the calculation has been performed and made available. For each instance of the data not being initially available for immediate return but rather requiring calculation:

  1. Whether all the benefits for which calculations are required are defined contribution (DC), or not, by reporting the unavailable code returned as per the data standards (codes ‘DBC’/’DCC’ for data standards 2.301/2.401).
  2. The calculation time (time taken for the data to be available for return).

Field name: accrued_start_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Start date/time for the calculation countdown clock.

Field name: accrued_end_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: End date/time for the calculation countdown clock.

View response – RS.3.3 Values unavailable

Field name: isp_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses for item 2.004 (contact pension provider or scheme) is populated ‘true’.

Field name: missingadmin_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses for item 2.005 (administrative details not available, new member case) is populated ‘true’.

Field name: temperror_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses item 2.006 (temporary system error) is populated 'true'.

Field name: eri_unavail_ano_count

Data type: Integer

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses item 2.301 (ERI unavailable)/2.401 (accrued unavailable) is returned as code ‘ANO’.

Field name: eri_unavail_ppf_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses item 2.301 (ERI unavailable)/2.401 (accrued unavailable) is returned as code ‘PPF’.

Field name: eri_unavail_trn_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses item 2.301 (ERI unavailable)/2.401 (accrued unavailable) is returned as code ‘TRN’.

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Corrections log (errata)

This section includes known issues and corrections for the current version. These corrections will be included in future versions.

Correction added 30 January 2025

Clarification and change in 'View response – RS.3.2 Values to be calculated and calculation times':

  • The descriptions for 'eri_end_date_ts' and 'accrued_end_date_ts' should be "'End date the calculation was made available'".
  • The date refers to when the values are actually available to be returned. This may be different to the last day of the 3/10 working day period allowed for the calculation, and may be different to the date actually provided which depends on the user making a view request.

Correction added 8 January 2025

Clarifications and corrections in 'View response – RS.3.2 Values to be calculated and calculation times':

  • The data type for 'eri_value_code' and 'accrued_value_code' is 'enumerated list' ('DBC' or 'DCC') because these are the only available fixed values that can be provided for ERI or accrued value codes here. The data standards define other ERI/accrued unavailable codes that may be returned in view responses, but these are the only codes that relate to calculation times and therefore are the only codes that may be provided when reporting calculation times as per RS3.2.
  • The description for 'eri_value_code' should be updated to correct "ERI value or accured value" to "ERI value". The updated description is as follows:

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme, each instance where at least one ERI value is not available for immediate return, reporting after the event, once the calculation has been performed and made available. For each instance of the data not being initially available for immediate return but rather requiring calculation:

  1. Whether all the benefits for which calculations are required are defined contribution (DC), or not, by reporting the unavailable code returned as per the data standards (codes ‘DBC’/’DCC’ for data standards 2.301/2.401).
  2. The calculation time (time taken for the data to be available for return).
  • The description for 'accrued_value_code' should be updated to correct "ERI value or accured value" to "accrued value". The updated description is as follows:

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme, each instance where at least one accrued value is not available for immediate return, reporting after the event, once the calculation has been performed and made available. For each instance of the data not being initially available for immediate return but rather requiring calculation:

  1. Whether all the benefits for which calculations are required are defined contribution (DC), or not, by reporting the unavailable code returned as per the data standards (codes ‘DBC’/’DCC’ for data standards 2.301/2.401).
  2. The calculation time (time taken for the data to be available for return).
  • The description for 'resp_date_ts' should be updated to correct "view request" to "view response", and a calrification added to the field being mandatory. The updated version is as follows:

Field name: resp_date_ts

Data type: Date/time - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25T14:24:01.248Z.

Mandatory: Yes*.

Description: Must report per pension provider or scheme for each view response that exceeds 10 seconds, the date and time of the view response.

Note: The resp_date_ts field can only be empty if the resp_status field is set to false.

Correction added 18 December 2024

In 'View response – RS.3.3 Values unavailable':

  • The technical annex has a field 'isp_count'. This should not be a count of ISPs, it is a count of the number times they return data standard 2.004 (contact scheme) as ‘true’. Therefore, the 'isp_count' in RS 3.3. should be 'contact_count'.

Correction added 6 December 2024

In '2. Service availability' section under 'RS2.1 Find unavailability':

  • Clarification required for the 'Requirement'. Reporting is done daily but the availability is measued over a calendar month, as stated in the code of connection.

In '2. Service availability' section under 'RS2.2 View unavailability':

  • Clarification required for the 'Requirement'. Reporting is done daily but the availability is measued over a calendar month, as stated in the code of connection.

In the 'Technical annex' under 'View response – RS.3.2 Values to be calculated and calculation times':

  • Reporting for these fields only requires start and end date, not time. The legislation only sets the clock for the 3/10 working day calculation time to the day, not a time. The clock starts the day after the PeI is registered. Only the start/end date needs to be collected and reported for calculation times.
  • This correction applies to the following fields:
    • eri_start_date_ts
    • eri_end_date_ts
    • accrued_start_date_ts
    • accrued_end_date_ts
  • These fields should have the following data type:
    • "Data type: Date - ISO8601 format. For example, 2021-11-25."
  • eri_start_date_ts and accrued_start_date_ts should have the following description:
    • "Description: Start date for the calculation countdown clock.
  • eri_end_date_ts and accrued_end_date_ts should have the following description:
    • "Description: End date for the calculation countdown clock."

In the 'Technical annex' under 'View response – RS.3.3 Values unavailable':

  • RS3.3 requires reporting of counts of 'ANO', 'PPF' and 'TRN' codes for both ERI unavailable and accrued unavailable data standards (2.301 & 2.401). The technical annex includes field names for these for ERI unavailability but is missing parallel field names for accrued unavailable counts of 'ANO', 'PPF' and 'TRN'.

These fields for 3.3. should read:

Field name: eri_unavail_ano_count

Data type: Integer

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses item 2.301 (ERI unavailable) is returned as code ‘ANO’.

Field name: eri_unavail_ppf_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses item 2.301 (ERI unavailable) is returned as code ‘PPF’.

Field name: eri_unavail_trn_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses item 2.301 (ERI unavailable) is returned as code ‘TRN’.

Field name: accrued_unavail_ano_count

Data type: Integer

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses item 2.401 (accrued unavailable) is returned as code ‘ANO’.

Field name: accrued_unavail_ppf_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses item 2.401 (accrued unavailable) is returned as code ‘PPF’.

Field name: accrued_unavail_trn_count

Data type: Integer.

Mandatory: Yes.

Description: Total view responses item 2.401 (accrued unavailable) is returned as code ‘TRN’.

Correction added 3 December 2024

  • The requirement in reporting standard 3.1(a) is to report response time for the return of view data where it exceeds 10 seconds: only returns of view data tokens in response to authorised view requests (where the tokens are all valid, rather than where new access tokens must be requested) should be counted and reported here. This should exclude any cases where the view request contains invalid/missing tokens that have to be requested.

Correction updated 28 November 2024

The 'Technical annex' has information on reporting frequency that contradicts the main standard.

  • Service availability – RS.2.1 Find unavailability:
    • start_date_ts: Description should say "Must report per pension provider or scheme the start date and time of each instance of find service unavailability."
    • end_date_ts: Description should say "Must report per pension provider or scheme the end date and time of each instance of find service unavailability."
    • The correct information on reporting frequency is in 'RS2.1 Find unavailability'.
  • Service availability – RS.2.2 View unavailability:
    • start_date_ts: Description should say "Must report per pension provider or scheme the start date and time of each instance of view service unavailability."
    • end_date_ts: Description should say "Must report per pension provider or scheme the end date and time of each instance of view service unavailability."
    • The correct information on reporting frequency is in 'RS2.2 View unavailability'.
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First published:19/07/2022

Last updated:19/11/2024

Version 1.2


Download draft reporting standards version 1.2

This zip folder contains:

  • Reporting standards v1.2.pdf

This is version 1.2 of the reporting standards. The last published draft of the reporting standards was the ‘November 2022’ draft, published after we consulted on draft standards in the summer of 2022. Since then, we have undertaken further work through review by the volunteer participant organisations and input from regulators.

We do not now expect to make any further changes to this 1.2 version of the draft reporting standards before seeking formal approval.

High-level thematic changes since the November 2022 version

In agreement with the regulators, we have introduced a 2-phase approach to the reporting standards:

Phase 1

No data will be required to be sent routinely to PDP to begin with. From April 2025, as pension providers and schemes start connecting pursuant to their duties in the legislation, the reporting standards only require the keeping of data, and for data to be provided to PDP/regulators upon request, if at all.

Providers and schemes should note, that during the initial phase when no data needs to be routinely sent to PDP, this does not mean that regulators will not have access to data about providers’ and schemes’ compliance with their obligations under the legislation. Data sent in accordance with the reporting standards is not the only source of information about compliance. Regulators will have access to other data directly from the central digital architecture (CDA ) and connection service, as well as the MoneyHelper dashboard.

Phase 2

The second phase will be when largescale unmoderated user testing takes place. This will require the data to be reported routinely (daily, in most cases) to PDP, to support regulators’ compliance monitoring.

We will engage with industry to understand the lead times that will be needed ahead of implementation of routine reporting of data. The timing for this will be confirmed in due course and is subject to plans for user testing being finalised with industry.

We will separately publish full technical details for routine reporting, including open API specifications and JSON schemas.

We have removed all the requirements related to audit and complaints. Audit requirements are specified in the code of connection, in terms of the keeping of transaction identifiers and supporting forensic investigation including mediated access to audit logs. We will work with the regulators to define the complaints record-keeping requirements and add requirements at a later date for what records of complaints relating to pensions dashboards pension providers and schemes must keep and make available to the regulators on request.

We have removed the operational monitoring requirement. We have listened to the feedback that the proposed ‘health check API’ to confirm availability every 60 seconds to PDP would have been onerous and would have added unnecessary burden to system processing. Instead, pension providers and schemes will (in the second phase, once routine reporting begins) report retrospective unavailability for find and view on a daily basis. In addition, PDP is developing an alternative real-time service monitoring capability. This would put no onus in terms of new requirements on connected parties but would enable PDP to check connected parties’ service availability in real time, to be assured as to the status of the dashboards service.

Detailed log of all changes from November 2022 draft

  • Drafting improvements to the introduction:
    • Amendment of ‘Purpose’ section to reflect the change in requirements (removal of business audit, protective monitoring, operational monitoring).
    • Renaming of ‘Audience’ section subheading to ‘Application’.
    • Simplification of ‘Use/evidence’ section, and re-naming of the subheading as ‘Compliance’.
    • Addition of paragraph (paragraph 8) defining endpoints.
  • Removal of data definitions tables throughout and example report payloads. Instead, we have added a technical annexe which lists field names, data types and descriptions for each reporting requirement, while full technical schemas and specifications will be made available later.
  • Removal of ‘Record keeping requirement’ section, encompassing:
    • ‘Audit’ (previously paragraph 19).
    • ‘Complaints’ (previously paragraph 20).
    • ‘Pension owner satisfaction’ (previously paragraph 21).
    • ‘Pension owner behaviour’ (previously paragraph 22).
  • Removal of generic API information (previously paragraphs 23-31).
  • Removal of business audit (previously paragraphs 32-41) including removal of ‘Business audit view API’ and ‘Business audit dashboard redirect API’.
  • Removal of operational monitoring (previously paragraphs 42-45) including removal of ‘Data provider health check API’.
  • Removal of protective monitoring (previously paragraphs 46-50) including removal of ‘Dashboard access API’.
  • Removal of ‘View requests API’ (previously paragraphs 52-55).
  • Removal of ‘Dashboard access API’ (previously paragraphs 56-59).
  • New ‘Coverage’ requirement (1.1), added to account for pension providers and schemes connecting in line with their ‘connect by’ dates in the DWP connection guidance, even where they are unable to connect, and comply with all the requirements for 100% of their relevant pension scheme members’ data, and to report pension provider/scheme coverage until 100% relevant member records are connected.
  • Service availability reporting requirements amended (and ‘Data provider availability API’ (previously paragraphs 60-63) re-named ‘Pension provider or scheme availability API’):
    • To provide granular data on each instance of unavailability (start and end date and time), rather than total availability.
    • To distinguish in unavailability reporting between find and view unavailability (there are now two requirements: 2.1 ‘Find unavailability’ and 2.2 ‘View unavailability’.
    • To distinguish between scheduled and unscheduled unavailability.
    • To provide reason for each unavailability instance.
    • To clarify that availability is the availability of the pension provider or scheme, which is the aggregate of provider/scheme availability, endpoint availability, and (if applicable) that of any intermediaries.
  • Removal of dashboard provider availability API (previously paragraphs 64-67).
  • New ‘View response API’, added to report number of view requests received by pension providers and schemes and view response time (where this exceeds 10 seconds).
  • Amendment of the ‘Data provider value data unavailable API’ (and removal of ‘data provider’ from the API name):
    • To require reporting of calculation time (the time taken for values to be made available) for each instance where ERI/accrued values are not immediately available.
    • To require reporting of number of times the following are returned:
      • data standard 2.004
      • data standard 2.005
      • data standard 2.006
      • Code ‘ANO’ for data standard 2.301/2.401
      • Code ‘PPF’ for data standard 2.301/2.401
      • Code ‘TRN’ for data standard 2.301/2.401

Version 1.0


Download draft reporting standards version 1.0 (November 2022)

This zip folder contains:

  • PDP-Reporting-standards-Nov-2022.pdf

1 - Intro

new section, amended for consistency across standards: updated to include common intro

2 - Summary

reduced the overall feeds: summary table updated to reflect the reduction in the number of API’s

3 - Record keeping

added: section added around record keeping requirements

4 - Generic API

added: section added defining generic requirements for API’s

5 - Business audit

removed, now covered in technical standards register PeI API: need to update on change of PeI status removed

5 - Business audit view API

updated: more detail added to data definition including examples

5 - Business audit dashboard redirect API

updated: more detail added to data definition including examples

6 - Operational monitoring

updated: removed QPDS operational monitoring

6 - Data provider health check API

updated: more detail added to data definition including examples

7 - Protective monitoring

updated: completely revamped removed data provider API

7 - Dashboard access API

updated: more detail added to data definition including examples

8 - Ecosystem oversight and insight (MI)

updated: removed a number of API’s

8 - View requests API

updated: more detail added to data definition including examples

8 - Dashboard access API

updated: more detail added to data definition including examples

8 - Data provider availability API

updated: more detail added to data definition including examples

8 - Dashboard provider availability API

updated: more detail added to data definition including examples

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